Birthday Graphs

      This is my first draft which o quarter of the page and the months are on top of the actual data which  was wrong so I changed it to make it look better and easier to read.This is my second draft which is on a full page not just a quarter of the page like my first draft was. This is my final copy of my graph and I made the numbers more spaced out than my second draft which made the data of the graph more longer which makes it look better and fill up the page more.

Cube Nets

Hi guys, today I am going to show you a bit of my math a few days  ago when we made cube nets.These are the 11 nets for cube that we had to figure out. Some people really disliked this task but I really enjoyed it.

This next photo is a screenshot of me making sure my 11 shapes that was in the previous photo were correct, (they were).This last photo is also another screenshot of all of the questions answered correctly but not all people got them correct but I did.

3D Object Hunt

Yesterday in maths we  were looking at 3D shapes and we had to find a shape that was on the sheet like a cube which I used a dice for, I used a book for the rectangular prism and I used a glass jar for a cylinder.